We manufacture such pipe suppors both carbon steel (for fasteners) and stainless steel. A very important aspect for this pipe support is the galvanizing. Most of the manufacturers deliver such landmarks only with electrochemical galvanizing. We are among the few manufacturers who can deliver hot dip galvanized pipe supports (the hot dip galvanizing gives the pipe supports a better age without the danger of rusting).

Lately, besides the demands from the shipyards, we also have demands from other sectors such as animal husbandry and food industry (especially stainless steel pipe supports).
Gama dimensională este destul de largă, astfel că putem fabrica brăţări din oţel rotund pentru ţevi cu:
- Exterior diameter between Ѳ12 mm and Ѳ1016 mm,
- Bar thickness (thread) between M6 and M36.